Tinkling of Red Vented Bulbuls

They say it is one of the birds which has adapted well to urbanization. But I could never spot or hear them while staying in the city, neither in Ahmedabad nor in Chennai. My early memories of this bird are of the times when we have been to Himachal or Uttarakhand. Hence I thought they were only found in colder regions of India. So, when I first spotted a bulbul in my garden, i was overjoyed. Thankfully it was not a one-off sighting, they are regular visitors at Mitthi.

One of the most talkative bird with a very distinct voice.
Ptigroo, ptigroo… or pic pic ptigroo…. almost like big rain drops falling onto some metal! No wonder the Persians named the bird – BulBul- after the word ‘BolBol’ meaning a Nightingale. An apt name even by its Hindi meaning (which is talkative). 😊

Bulbul is a monogamous bird and usually bonds for life. I have mostly seem them in pairs. When one of them is not around, their call is distinctly different. The way it tilts its head before calling out is so similar to when Haachi , my labrador,  tries to decipher our talks.

Video 1 - One evening Hayato, my host son, and I were having tea and this bird perched close by on the gulmohar tree trying to participate in the chat. None of us had phone with us to capture it, so I asked Hayato to stay put and keep looking at it as if understanding what it was trying to say while I went and got my phone. And once I was back, Hayato went in to get his camera. The trick worked; this bulbul kept sharing her story all the while!!! Wonder what it was trying to say? Was it missing its mate? If it was, then would it have perched in one place for so long? There are times such as these, when I really wish I could understand their language.

Unlike the first video, an engrossed pair has no time for anybody else. :)


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